IP Geolocation API
Fast, accurate, reliable, easy to use
Free for non-commercial use
Easy to integrate, available in JSON & XML
Online since 2001 - Reliable!
Free for non-commercial use
Easy to integrate, available in JSON & XML
Online since 2001 - Reliable!
ip_from: "51118080",
ip_to: "51417599",
country_code: "US",
country_name: "United States of America",
region_name: "Ohio",
city_name: "Columbus",
latitude: "39.96118",
longitude: "-82.99879",
zip_code: "43085",
time_zone: "-05:00",
city: "Columbus",
map: "https://maps.google.com/maps?q=39.96118,-82.99879&hl=es;z=14&output=embed&key=YOUR-GOOGLE-API-KEY",
We update our database every time someone choose to share their Geolocation information on the `https://whatsmyip.com/your-ip-address` page, which is thousands of time per day. This guarantees that we will have the highest possible accurate location data.
WhatsMyIp.Com has been online since 2001-12-27, and we have been providing GEOLocation based on IPs since start. Our service is one of the most popular and reliable IP Geolocation API in the world.
No, feel free to use it as much as you like. The limit is set to 25 000 requests per months and the only requirement besides that is that it's for non-commercial use. If you like to use our service for commercial purposes (webshop, newspaper and such) then you need to use our paid services.
The limit is set to 180 requests per minute from one IP address and a total of 25 000 requests per month. If you exceed this limit your IP address will be blocked. You can unban here.
If you need unlimited queries, please see our pro service.
With powerful servers on multiple continents and highly optimized software we achieve real response times of under 45 milliseconds in most parts of the world.
If you like to use our service on a commercial website then you will need to upgrade to a paid subscription. Please see our paid plans for unlimited queries, more geodata and commercial support.
Search domains whois history with help of our tools. See who owned the domains before you and what has changed. View whois »
Avoid problems by knowing who or what you are talking with. See the geographical location of any IP address, just click the button and input the IP. Trace ip »